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About us

Learn to tell stories to make a difference

About Storyversity

The world’s only online learning platform dedicated to storytelling.
"Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world ."
— Robert McKee

Our mission at Storyversity is to teach you to tell stories so you can make a difference.

Stories are in our DNA. When we listen to a story the chemicals in our brain change, our mind becomes transfixed. Storytellers have an ability to bring about change. You can learn to be one.

Storyversity is the world's only online learning platform dedicated to teaching you the art of storytelling. Our self-guided courses are crafted by leading artists and presenters. They are affordable, accessible and allow you to fit learning around your lifestyle. 

Do you want to craft your novel, tell stories to advance your career or perform to an audience? 

Whether you want to tell stories online, on stage or at work, Storyversity is for you.

Join our community of online learners and master the art of storytelling today. 

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Join the community, access live weekly meetups and unlock all our courses. Annual membership is the best value way of engaging with Storyversity.

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Learn to tell stories to make a difference